Do you remember the story “The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf?”

What did it teach us???
That we cry for help to many times and no one will come.
We treat a lot of things like this these days.
Take for instance the current COVID-19 (or Coronavirus)
Have we had other Flu’s and viruses Yes!! Some like swine flu even took over 12,000 lives in the U.S.
If you have ever had a family member have a terminal illness or injury you may recall the hard question’s you had to ask but sometimes the doctor wanted to stay positive and wouldn’t give you straight answers.
You had to be blunt and ask “how long do we have?!!” Not all of us are built to ask that question, most would rather not have that answer. So they don’t ask.
Well that is what I ask you, each time we have one of these epidemic’s come through our reaction as a collective majority is to brush it off like the village that got tired of hearing the boy that cried wolf.
Many don’t ask the questions, because we don’t want the answers. NOT knowing is easier than knowing. We can ignore the danger of a lurking wolf if we don’t ask questions.
But, what if each time the boy cried “wolf!” the wolf was there? What if when the boy hollered out, The people from the village ran in and it scared off the wolf?
Each time the wolf came back he got closer and closer finding ways through the yard that no one could spot him.
Hmm!?? Sound familiar?
Then one day when the wolf found a faster sneaker way to the boy. The boy yelled out, but no one came running.
If the village caught a glimpse of the wolf at anytime would someone stayed with the boy?
They didn’t care about the wolf because there wasn’t a wolf before there surely is no wolf this time!!
Right???? Do you see what I’m getting at??
If we are like the village and have 0 concern for the boy when he cries wolf again, then we are setting ourselves up to be eaten by the wolf!
I don’t think anyone should be afraid.
You should live your life, but I hope that more people will have more concern, wash their hands and take precautions for this very reason. As the show Pandemic say’s it’s not a matter of if but when.
We can’t live scared, but we can lived prepared.