Soul Sister’s

You hide beneath your beauty. Hoping no one will see. You have become a world record holder of the burdens that you keep.

Your presence is grounded, but your essence tells your lack of sleep.

Like a shook up bottle of soda.

You’ve placed the cap on tight

We can not have it spill over to all corners of your life.

Every bubble, a tear shoved back down.

Sugar coat it, Keep a smile to keep the peace.

All awhile your insides are moaning for release.

You don’t reach out and ask for help the risk is your heart, you don’t think your worth it anyway. Satan told you from the start.

He sees you, I see you, I see you in me!

Sweet sister let me open that bottle.

Let’s shake it up and break it free.

We can pour it out together. Together at our Lord’s feet.

Why hold this any longer, it is such common place.

 I’ve cracked open my bottle lets show face.

The searching is over we have found  each others grace.

 You are my Soul Sister’s!

We glean from each others expertise.   

The end result is Our love of Jesus will leak throughout the human race.

“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
Proverbs 18:24 NIV

To my soul sister’s Ruth, Lisa, Amy and Stephanie where we can always crack open our hearts to God’s truth and know we will always be welcomed with open arms.

(If you are someone without a close friend let me encourage you by saying I was you. I opened my door to let others in and became that friend for them and they became that friend to me.)

1 Comment

  • A my Siemer says:

    Awe, crying like a baby. For the beauty of this put in words, shows truth. Truth of our grace , God’s grace, and our spiritual bond and unity of our sisterhood in Christ Jesus. beautiful surrender!!!!!