Welcome to Reflective Gifts

Reflective Gifts is the core of who and what I am. A wife, mother, and grandmother. I belong to a uniquely blended family with many ups and downs of real life. With God as our Anchor my husband and I sat out on a calling to Reflect on gifts that we were given but both buried under wounds of the flesh.

As we travel the country with him at the seat of 18 wheels. A path he once only dreamed of but was to intimidated to pursue. I will be sharing testimony, reflection and some everyday life experiences.

When i began middle school and had my first writing a speech class, I found I had a calling to write. For the first time I got an above average grade and didn’t have to attend a tutor class for extra help to understand what was expected.

The weekend of my twelve birthday through the next year i experienced what i would consider my first adult life storm and i wrote about it.  What was said to me and what I heard were two different things. It took almost four decades to break the chain of lies that formed that year and I began to write again.

Our hope is that by sharing our story that maybe others will find a gift or a calling they were given that they have been putting in the ground and find their true self in the lord not just what the world says they should do.

If you would like to follow us on this journey as we embark on it, you sense that you do have a greater calling and just cant put your finger on it subscribe now lets go on this adventure together.


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