Thankful For YOU

Happy Thanksgiving To All Of YOU!

I wanted to take this time and thank you if it were not for each and every one of you. There would not be a

I know it has been a while since I have posted. As one medical door closed for me. Several more pounced out like a roaring lion. It’s great though because there is a secret I hold in my heart. When God Moves mountains the devil is surely behind trying to steal the victory. Knowing this truth almost makes me welcome the next curve ball, because it means that the devil is afraid of my Father and he should be!

I want to pray this prayer for all of you as you start into this holiday season.


We thank you, we thank you for the blessings we so often overlook. The roof over our heads, the clothes on our backs, the food in our bellies.

We thank you for the family and friends that we can reach out to and hold onto, but also those that are no longer here but we carry in our hearts in our DNA , and in our traditions.

We Thank you For you, for all that you created, for your endearing love, and thank you for our brother Jesus who bared it all at the cross to forgive our sins.

Lord, we ask that you remind each of us as we travel, join in or host this holiday season that we each have an important role in making the holidays memorable and enjoyable.

That we extend a helping hand and we welcome one that is being offered.

We learn the Freedom of saying No so that our calendars are not over extended at the cost of our time with You and our Family. We say yes to more of the people who are alone, sick or are having a first with out a loved one this year.

If we are unsure what to say yes or no to we consult with you.
Father I ask that you be with everyone that reads this and as they touch the lives of the people around them your love spreads like it has never before.

I ask this in Your name,

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