I share this story for all the NICU babies that didn’t come home. I share this story for my mom and dad. I share this story for all the military babies that live with medical issues, because their parents made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. To my x-husband Aaron and all the Veterans that bring home more then they signed up for. To Heather for always giving me a different perspective. To my Amazing husband Adam for picking up the pieces of a broken family and making it possible for us to be the best blended family we could be.
In writing, like life there are a ton of rules. Each blog should be at least 300 words but not more than 1000 words. A non-fiction book runs 35,000 -50,000 words and a fiction book should be around 80,000 to 100,000 words.
A good title is a must and you better have a good hook. This is the first paragraph on a blog or a summary of the book that drags the reader in.
You should tell a little about yourself, but not to much. You don’t want to give it all away for free. Then you want to make them laugh, maybe cry or feel like they took the roller coaster ride with you. The point is to paint the picture. Much like a musician our words dance for our readers if we did our job right. It takes practice, skill and the scariest part just putting it out there.
This is where we all become critics and it can be fun to talk to our friends. Like a accident that occurred in front of us we can see the same two blue cars as different shades. I may describe one of them as grey and one of them as North Carolina Blue. (my husbands favorite college basketball team) where you may just say they were both blue.
Sometimes though, comes along a person that there is not room between the binding of materials to show the impact of their life. Like the movie Titanic, it can be both tragic and life changing. This is when we know that their story is not just meant for us to read, but share.

Do not be afraid. Just Believe.
Mark 5:36
In the next two weeks I will be breaking all the rules of writing a blog. I will be sharing a story that is dear to my family. I ask this of you. If you read something you like please share, if you read something you don’t like please let me know. I only ask that you are gracious. I am human and I do make mistakes.
Please Subscribe to my blog, comment and share on social media. For a chance to win a Pampered Chef Mix ‘N Scraper (large). Your name will be entered 1 time for each of those things and each day I post a new blog in this Series that you share those blogs. (no purchase necessary, and I am not selling pampered chef) I will draw the winner on June 1, 2019.
My first post of the series will be Wednesday May 8th, 2019. Please pray for us, as I know with asking you to go on this Journey and Believe their will be a enemy that will want nothing more than for me not to share this story.
You can find the first part of the Series here. http://reflectivegifts.org/index.php/2019/05/08/blog-series-believe-part-1/
Part 2 of Believe Series http://reflectivegifts.org/index.php/2019/05/10/blog-series-believe-part-2-we-named-him-matthew/
Part 3 of Believe Series http://reflectivegifts.org/index.php/2019/05/12/blog-series-part-3-believe-mothers-day/
I needed this today, as I’m having a tough time, and for some reason this is a rough week on the calendar and has been for a few years. This reminded me to stop the laying here in the dark, and walk in peace. Even if those i love are saying some pretty harsh things and never apologize, i can forgive. The hurt may be there but I’m giving it to God. He called me by name, not to lay in sadness but to walk with him, to be His. I am His.
Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you Tanya, that means so much. I will say a prayer for you. and you are so right please remember that God knows your heart. please reach out if you ever need me to pray with or for you.