Blog Series – Believe – Part 1

I call you, by another name

There I was with every other mom, standing outside the class room waiting for our college freshmen to come out of their class.

We were there to have lunch with our young adults. If you have ever sent a child off to college. You understand that time is precious and if something like this is arranged for you to attend, you go.

As each young adult came out of the class and walked away with their Parent. I was standing, waiting. Looking into a room not being able to find my son. I started to question, where could he be?

“Are you Matthew’s mom?” I hear from behind me. “Yes” I replied, “He is afraid to come out of class.” One of the mom’s announces to me as a couple of students and their mothers return to the doorway.  Before I could even ask why. A second mother explains that on the way to lunch that a conversation between some of the students occurred.

Matthew has changed his name and they all call him Donovan. “He is afraid to face you.” ” He knows the meaning of his name is a part of his story, but at this time he wanted to be known as Donovan. They went on to explain.

I could not understand why he would be afraid to tell me this. All my children are open with me about many topics. I am not naïve to think there are just some things kids have a hard time talking to their parents about, this just did not seem like it would be in that category.  

 Wanting to change his name would not change his story.  Matthew meaning Gift from God was a name chosen when science said he would not survive birth, but we believed God when he told us he would.  I began to sob; as I awoke with a tear stained pillow.

Yes, it was just a dream. Matthew is not wanting to change his name. I bowed my head in prayer and I was prompted to investigate the name Donovan.

These are expressions of people with the name Donovan – they tend to be dedicated to building their lives on solid foundation of order and service. They value truth, justice and discipline, and may be quick-tempered with those who do not.

  It’s an Irish name, and the American meaning is Strong fighter.

Their practical nature makes them good at managing and saving money, and at building things in the material world. Because of their focus on order and practicality, they may seem overly cautious and conservative at times. People with this name have a deep inner desire for order and physical creativity and want to be involved in conventional, safe activities.

So, When I later told Matthew of this dream and read him these expressions of the name Donovan, we had a good chuckle. But if your reading this and know my 3rd son Matthew. You would probably agree that most if not all those characteristics are ones he has.

 So why did I have this dream?  If we investigate scripture God Changes the name of many people, to change their identity.

  • Abram meaning “high father” to Abraham “Father of Multitude”                                                                Genesis 17:5
  • Sari meaning “princess” to Sarah “Mother of nations”                                                                                 Genesis 17:15
  • Jacob meaning “sup planter, schemer, trickster” to Israel “Having power with God”                 Genesis 32:28     
  • Simon to Peter (or Cephas in Aramaic) meaning Rock John   1:42

If we look for our answers in these scriptures, we see relationship aligned with God. A new mission in life possibly? A way for God to reveal his plan to be fulfilled in our lives.

  • For Abraham at 99 years old God made a covenant with him that he would multiply exceedingly and be the father of many nations.  Genesis 17:1-27
  • Sarah was 90 when she was with child with Isaac and became mother of many nations. Genesis 17:15-16 17:18-19 21:1-3
  • Israel wrestled with God, confessed his sin, and clings to God and asks for his blessing. Genesis 32: 1-32 33:3-4
  • Peter has so many wonderful real-life stories we can relate with. One of my favorites is found in Matthew 14: 22-32.  Read it with me now.
  22 Immediately He directed the disciples to get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side [of the Sea of Galilee], while He sent the crowds away. 23 After He had dismissed the crowds, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. When it was evening, He was there alone. 24 But the boat [by this time] was already a [b]long distance from land, tossed and battered by the waves; for the wind was against them. 25 And in the fourth watch of the night (3:00-6:00 a.m.) Jesus came to them, walking on the sea. 26 When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. 27 But immediately He spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I! Do not be afraid!”  

28 Peter replied to Him, “Lord, if it is [really] You, command me to come to You on the water.” 29 He said, “Come!” So, Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw [the effects of] the wind, he was frightened, and he began to sink, and he cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus extended His hand and caught him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you [c]doubt?” 32 And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. 33 Then those in the boat worshiped Him [with awe-inspired reverence], saying, “Truly You are the Son of God!”

So maybe your thinking how is that relatable in my life? What storm have you went through lately? Financial, marriage, career, health? Something else?  You may not see that your stuck in the boat in “fear” not wanting to move because of the storm around you.  Jesus says to Peter and the other disciples “Do Not Be Afraid”, “Take Courage” It is not Jesus that says Peter come out onto the water. 

It is Peter that says Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water. Way to go Peter, seriously we need to see this. Lord I have Believe in you. I just am not sure it is really you. Command me to get out of the boat. Command me to take that job. Command me to fight for my marriage, my health, my finances.

Then as soon as we do a wind blows and makes things hard. We doubt he ever called us out of the boat to begin with. Just like Peter we doubt our own faith we boldly had only minutes prior.

When I look back on this dream, I was confident that God was giving me a clear message just like he did Peter to get out of the boat. Then days passed and I started to doubt my faith. Just like Peter.  I started to doubt the meaning. I doubted that God would use me in my own son’s life.

  When God changes a name, it indicates that something new has happened or will happen to that person- a new relationship, a new life. We see this somewhat today when a wife takes the name of her husband. It represents a change in her life, both in the eyes of God and of society.  – Wayne Stiles

Could it be that this name was given so that I could stop seeing Matthew as the child he was and the man he had become! I know it did, it changed the way I looked at all my adult children.

When I pray about this dream I am reminded that our children Were his First! They, just like us, just like Peter. Will go through storms that will be hard for us to watch. It will be in these moments that they learn to trust the Fathers voice. That just like you learned to hear him calling out your name.  They will grow in faith and our Father will say to your child. I Call You, By Another Name.

Want to read the Preview and learn how to win a Pampered Chef Mix and Scrape (large size) to this Series find that here.

Part 2 Believe Series

Part 3 Believe Series

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