Choosing Not to Drive With MS

The first memory for me of independence brings back the memory of the day I got my Driver’s license, the keys to my car and the road of possibility was endless.

It is hard losing a possession that gives you some control over your own life. The freedom to wander about shrink’s when this one little piece of plastic is taken away.

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Well there is those of us that are in the middle. The one’s that still have the capability of driving. Have not had accident’s or required a D.O.T. review but have restricted our own freedom.

This is so hard for friends and family to understand, because they see you behind the wheel and don’t understand when you decline an invite because “you don’t drive.”

So, let me break this down for those who do not live with Multiple Sclerosis or any other Chronic Illness that can affect your ability to drive.

Fatigue is a term thrown around in our society when someone just had a bad night’s sleep, or maybe they had a big meal. But the definition of fatigue is extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness. No amount of sleep and rest clear up fatigue.
Fatigue can not only cause me not to drive but can be one of the biggest factor’s into mobility in general.

Mobility restrictions can be many different things. For me, I loose feeling in my right side. It is the reason I use mobility devices such as cane, walker, a scooter. Over the years I have practiced driving with my left side. Yet, there are some things you just cannot plan for.

Brain Fog this is probably the 2nd highest reason I don’t drive. When I stated above that there are things in driving you cannot plan for, this is what effects that ability. Just a few weeks ago I had an appointment. Several exits past my exit I realized that I had not got off! I got back on the interstate going the opposite direction and passed the exit again! If my brain fog is that bad, had someone pulled out in front of me I would not have had the reaction I needed to avoid the accident. I wonder how far I would go if I was driving more often.

  • I have decided to put my doctor’s office on my GPS not because I don’t not know how to get there but to remind me where I am going. Most days feeling that foggy I would have not driven, but it was an appointment and I had to be at.

Sleepiness, you may wonder isn’t this fatigue. No, it’s different. Have you ever been reading a book or watching a movie and you really wanted to finish it, but you just couldn’t keep your eyes open and fall asleep? This is the kind of sleepiness that hits out of nowhere. I keep items in my car so I can sleep when I feel like this. I refuse to place anyone’s life in danger. I will call someone to come and get me and my car if this happens. Often a 10-20-minute nap I will be fine other times I am done for the day.

Incontinence be it bowel or urinary driving from station to station praying to make it is self-explanatory. We all have had to find a restroom for a child that could not hold it, we are now that person.

Eyesight is probably the most common reason in even healthy people that I hear they don’t drive at dusk or dawn. With different Chronic illness’s your eyes can have different issues. I see far signs before I can see a sign that is right next to my car. The sun, the snow, Rain, traffic lights, other car lights all are an issue for me. The list is never ending with eye issues. Bad eyesight is hard enough on its own, but it often leads to the next issue.

Vertigo is an internal or external spinning sensation. When you live with vertigo and have eyesight issues and get into anything moving, you can be left with migraines, nausea, vomiting etc.

My Physician and I have an ongoing conversation about driving.

This list is a short list of things that can cause someone to Decide not to drive but Driving itself takes energy and we must weigh how it will affect our overall health. How the activity will affect us and how all the other factor’s weigh in.

Keep in mind if someone is electing to hand over one of their greatest freedoms, they are not doing it because they wanted or asked to one day not be able to drive. They do it because they understand that life is precious and that they don’t want to hurt you, your loved ones, or themselves. It is not an easy choice.

One of my favorite past times is to jump in my car and listen to music and just drive. My mom did it with my sister and I when we were young, I did it with my kids. I have driven across country by myself. Alone with my baby’s and with other’s.

Driving is one of the biggest things I miss about my freedom to do as I please. So please don’t think for a minute If I say, “I don’t drive,” but then you see me drive that it means I choose the task I am doing.
It means I had to weigh all the things above. What would happen if I “didn’t” drive? (A missed doctor appointment?)

If you want to ask me how I chose this task over the 100 other’s I could have done. I will be glad to walk you through my thought process.


  • Tina Perraud says:

    After an MRI i was diagnosed of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. After years on medications, symptoms worsened with tremors on my right hand, numbness and tingling, muscle weakness and loss of speech. Fortunately last year, i learnt about RICH HERBAL GARDENS and their Multiple Sclerosis alternative treatment (ww w. richherberbalgardens. com), the Multiple Sclerosis treatment made a great difference, most of my symptoms including tremors, weakness and others gradually disappeared. I improved greatly over the 4 months treatment, its been a year since the treatment, i have no symptoms. I have a very good quality of life and a great family!

    • admin says:

      thank you Tina, I didn’t start any DMD’s until last year I went the natural route for many years. I am very happy that you have found something that is successful for you. We all have to remember that M.S. is a snowflake disease and many of us try pretty much anything to find a better quality of life. It is great to have your story.